Tuesday, July 15, 2008

add a dash of good health

(reposted from mydailymoment.com)

Spices are every healthy eater's best friend. They smell good, they taste good and they can transform your food from ho-hum to yum-yum. On top of that, spices are good for your health. Spices and herbs have been used for centuries for their medicinal qualities. Instead of loading up your meals with fatty condiments or butter, try some new spices and herbs. You'll open your taste buds to a whole new world of flavors and save yourself loads of calories.


Anonymous said...

You should sign up for Google Ads and get a little revenue from people reading your awesome blog posts!

Courtney said...

That's a good thought, but right now I want to build up a base where people will trust what I'm saying. I need them to know that I'm here to help them and not make money off of them. Ya know?