Sunday, August 10, 2008

Cheerios Snack Mix

If anyone has coupons for the Cheerios Snack Mix, you might stop by H.E.B. before Tuesday to stock up. My kids LOVE these and they come in several flavors. I sadly didn't have all of my coupons with me when I went grocery shopping (I was trying hard to stick to my list), so I didn't pick up any. I probably will tomorrow though. Sales usually begin and end on Tuesday at H.E.B. so I can only tell you this will work between now and this Tuesday.

At the end of one of the aisles they had the bags of Cheerios Snack Mix on sale for $1.00 a bag. I don't know what kind of coupons you have printed or cut, but I have a couple printed for .60 off and a few clipped coupons from the newspaper inserts for .50 off. That makes these 40-50 cents a bag! I'd consider that a good deal considering they're usually well over $1.00 a bag.
EDITED NOTE: Wal-Mart also has the Honey Nut Cheerios Snack Mix 2/$2. The other flavors were still more than $1.00 - so it seems unless you want the Honey Nut flavor, you should still truck it over to H.E.B.

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