Sunday, August 10, 2008

a couple of questions for y'all

Anyone want to go buy an extra Corpus Christi Sunday paper for me today? I'm on day two of 48 hour mom-only duty and the girls have just been I-N-S-A-N-E for some reason! Although a part of me wants to get them out of this house so that they will stop destroying everything here, I would hate more for them to destroy anything in the van or the store. So by a desperate plea from one mother to another (I know a few local friends of mine read this), could you please pick up an extra paper for me today? Let me know. My hubby will be home tomorrow so I could come meet you and pick it up and pay for it. I am going to need my own time out by the end of these 48 hours! lol

To everyone else... I will get the ads up tomorrow. Normally I can handle the three children by myself, but they've all hit a totally rebellious phase this weekend. Not that they'd probably stop just because their daddy is around, but at least I know he'll be here to allow me a break! lol

By the way, does anyone have a remedy for getting ink out of a couch? The material is similar to micro-fiber, but not stain resistant sadly (not that i think stain resistant is ink resistant anyway). Our couch is like a yellowish creme color and the address stamper that we have is ALL OVER IT now (as well as the couch pillows, books, and the wall). I can deal with everything else that's happened this weekend (yeah, the stamp was just the begining), but I'm a little lost on how to treat the couch without making the ink smear all over with something that won't work.

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